dental x-ray

How Modern Technology Has Transformed Dentistry

The field of dentistry is one of the oldest professions in the medical field, dating back as early as 500 BC. Ancient Sumerian dentists even described “tooth worms” as the…
dental health

Ways Your Dental Health Affects You

If they say the eyes are the window to your soul, your dental health is also the mirror to your overall health. Our Science class taught us that our body…
sensitive teeth

Symptoms of Common Dental Problems

As they say, your mouth is the window to your overall health. Everything that is happening in your mouth affects your general health in so many ways. Simple tooth decay…
dental implants

Misconceptions About Dental Implants

It’s no rocket science to know that smiling or talking with a missing tooth or two can be uncomfortable. Thanks to the advent of technology, you can address your missing…
dental implants

Implants vs. Dentures

There are many reasons why a person can lose a tooth or two. It can be due to accidents or poor dental hygiene that leads to tooth decay or gum…
yearly dental benefits

Dental Benefits Expire at the End of the Year!

2020 has got us all busy — with the pandemic threatening our health, election events, and the nearing holidays. You were so busy protecting our family from the virus that…
coffee's affect on your teeth

Coffee and Your Teeth

There is no better way to start your day than from a cup of coffee in the morning. According to the National Coffee Association and The Specialty Coffee Association of…
dental implant surgery

Recovery After a Dental Implant Surgery

Nowadays, losing a tooth because of old age or an accident is not a big issue. There are plenty of dental solutions specifically designed to meet each need and requirement…